Classification of Aluminum Composite Panel
Classification of Aluminum Composite Panel

Usage Classification

—Aluminum composite panel for building curtain wall: mainly used for the decoration and protection of building exterior wall.

—Aluminum composite panel for indoor decoration: applicable to the decoration of indoor walls, ceilings and other parts.

Surface Coating Classification

—Fluorocarbon(PVDF) coated aluminum composite panel: with excellent weather resistance, corrosion resistance and self-cleaning, commonly used in outdoor environment.

—PE coated aluminum composite panel: relatively low price, commonly used in indoor decoration

 Core material classification

—Common plastic core aluminum composite panel: the most common and cost-effective type of core material

—Aluminum composite panel with fireproof core: it has good fireproof performance, can be made into B1 or A2 fireproof grade acp.

·one-side continuous core aluminum composite panel: unidirectional folding without stopping the plastic, has good processing performance

· two-side continuous core aluminum composite panel: two-side continuous aluminum composite panel can be arbitrary bending, has the best processing performance, and the plastic ductility is better.

Thickness Classification

—The common thicknesses of  are 3mm, 4mm, 6mm and so on.

For example, in the exterior curtain wall of some high-grade commercial buildings, fluorocarbon coated, 4mm or 6mm thick Aluminum Composite Panel (ACP) is usually chosen to ensure the appearance effect and durability; while in the common interior decoration, such as the wall decoration of office, polyester coated, 3mm thick ACP may be chosen to meet the decorative demand and control the cost.

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