Alucobond Hanging Install Method
Alucobond Hanging Install Method

i. Measuring and placing line: according to the axis and elevation line on the main structure, according to the design requirements, the installation position line of the supporting basic framework will be accurately bounced to the main structure; all the pre-embedded parts will be punched out and their dimensions will be remeasured;

ii. Installation of connectors: weld the connectors with the pre-embedded parts on the main structure, when there is no pre-embedded iron buried on the main structure, holes can be drilled in the main structure to install expansion bolts and connect the iron fixed.

iii. Installation of basic framework: according to the position of the bullet line accurately and correctly will be rust-proof treatment of the column with welding or bolts fixed in the connectors, the installation should be checked at any time the elevation and the centerline position of the larger area, the higher the height of the facade of aluminum curtain wall basic framework columns must be measured with a measuring instrument and line drop measurement, correction of its position to ensure that the basic framework of the vertical rod straight and level.

iv. Installation of aluminum composite panels: measurement and placement, with rivets or bolts will be aluminum composite panel finishes fixed block by block in the steel skeleton, leaving a gap of 10-15mm between the plate and the plate, in order to adjust the installation error, aluminum composite panels installed, left and right, up and down the deviation should not be greater than 1.5mm.

v. Processing board seams: clean the surface of the aluminum composite panels and frame with cleaner, immediately in the gap between the aluminum composite panel, first placed in the sealing strip or weather stripping, and then injected into the silicone weatherproof sealant and other materials, injection of adhesive should be full, there can be no gaps or air bubbles.

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